Data recipients in the online shop

For the needs of proper Online Shop functioning, inclusive of the performance of the Contracts of Sale entered into, it shall be necessary for the us to make use of external companies’ services (e.g. software provider, courier, or payment system provider). We uses solely the services of such processing entities which ensure sufficient guarantee to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures so that the processing meets the requirements set out in the GDPR Regulation and protects the rights of data subjects. Providing data by us does not take place in every case and not to all the recipients or categories of recipients defined in the privacy policy – we provides the data only in the case it proves necessary to attain a given purpose of personal data processing and solely within the necessary scope. Personal data of the Online Shop Service Recipients or Customers may be provided to the following recipients or categories of recipients:

  • Carriers/forwarders/couriers/entities operating warehouses and/or responsible for shipping process – in the case of a Customer who selects the Online Shop to deliver the Product by post or courier, we makes the collected Customer’s personal data available to the selected carrier, forwarder or agent performing shipment for us, and if the delivery is to be made from the external warehouse – to the entity operating warehouse and/or responsible for shipping process – to the extent necessary to deliver the Product to the Customer.
  • Payment card service providers – in the case of a Customer who uses in the Online Shop the option of  payment card, we makes the collected Customer’s personal data available to the selected payment service provider in the Online Shop  to the extent necessary to perform the payment of the Customer.
  • Opinion poll system providers – in the case of a Customer who consented to express their opinion on the Sales Contract, we makes the collected personal data of the Customer available to the selected entity providing the system of opinion polls on Contracts of Sale concluded in the Online Store to the order  within a scope necessary for the Customer to present their opinion by means of an opinion poll system.

Profiling in the online shop

The GDPR Regulation obligates the Curator to inform about the automated decision-making process, including profiling referred to in Article 22, par. 1 and 4 of the GDPR Regulation, and – at least in those cases –  the vital information concerning the decision-making process as well as the meaning and foreseeable consequences of processing for the person being the data subject. Bearing in mind the above, the Curator specifies in this point of the privacy policy the information concerning the possible profiling.   The Curator may use profiling in the Online Shop for direct marketing purposes, yet the decisions made on its basis by the Curator do not concern the conclusion or rejection to conclude the Sales Contract, or the possibility to make use of Electronic Services in the Online Shop. The result of profiling in the Online Shop may be e.g. discount for a given person, sending a discount code, reminding about unfinished purchase process, sending Product offers, which may be related to the interests or preferences of the person, or offering better conditions as compared with the standard offer of the Online Shop. Regardless of profiling, the person makes decisions freely, whether they want to use the discount given, or better conditions and buy a product in the Online Shop. Profiling in the Online Shop consists in automatic analysis or forecast of the conduct of a given person on the website of the Online Shop, e.g. by adding a given Product to the cart, browsing the page of a given product in the Online Shop, or the analysis of the history of purchase in the Online Shop. The condition for such profiling is for the Curator to have the personal data of the person, so that they can later send them e.g. a discount code. The data subject shall have the right not to depend on the decision, which is only based on automated processing, including profiling, and has some legal effects on the person or similarly affects them.


  • The right to access, rectify, restrict, erase or transmit – the data subject shall have the right to demand the Curator to have access to their personal data, rectify, erase (“the right to be forgotten”) or restrict the processing and shall have the right to object to the processing and transmit their data. Detailed conditions of the above rights shall be indicated in Articles 15­22 of the GDPR Regulation.      
  • The right to withdraw the consent at any time – the person whose data are being processed by the Curator on the basis of the consent given (pursuant to Article 6, par. 1, point a) or Article 9, par. 2, point a) of the GDPR Regulation), they shall have the right to withdraw their consent at any time without any impact on the compatibility with the right to process made based on the consent prior to the withdrawal.   
  • The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory body – the person whose data are being processed by the Curator shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory body in a manner and mode specified in the provisions of the GDPR Regulation and the Latvian law, in particular the Personal Data Protection Act.   
  • The right to object – the data subject shall have the right, at any time, to lodge a complaint – for reasons related to their particular situation – as regards the processing of their personal data based on Article 6, par.  1, point e) (public interest or official authority) or f) (legitimate interest of the curator) in the case of profiling based on the provisions. The Curator in such a case must stop processing the personal data, unless they show the existence of legally significant and justified bases for the processing, overriding the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or the bases for determining, pursuing or defending the claims. 
  • The right to object as regards direct marketing – in the case the personal data are being processed for the needs of direct marketing, the data subject shall have the right, at any time, to lodge a complaint as regards the processing of their personal data for the needs of such marketing, including profiling, to the extent to which the processing is related to direct marketing.         

The Online Shop may contain links to other websites. We encourages that at the time of being transferred to other websites, become familiar with the privacy policy. This privacy policy shall apply only to our Online Shop .